Wednesday, October 8, 2014

UGANDA Medical Team Day 5

We worked in the clinic for most of the day today. Michael continued to practice using the iPad and the electronic medical record application, while treating patients. He is doing great!
I went through all of the paper medical records and removed those in which the patients have not been seen in over a year. The plan is to convert all of the paper records to the electronic format eventually.

Jason and Michael saw a total of twenty-eight patients.
In the afternoon, I had the pleasure of leading the men and women in a Bible study at the church. God gave me the words to say. It was so rewarding to hear people say that I gave them hope. God surely worked through me during that hour. I was also able to share my testimony in front of a group for the first time. It was a spiritual experience that I will never forget.  Jon and I answered many questions afterwards.
Samuel, who is five years old, drove us home (with the help of his father). We were cracking up!  He drives just like an adult. He even used the turn signal!
In the evening, we went to Mama Katherine's for dinner. Tomorrow, we are going to work at the clinic again. Jon is going to Mbale to meet a little girl that he is sponsoring. We are sure that it will be a wonderful experience for him.

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