Tuesday, October 7, 2014

UGANDA Medical Team Day 3

This morning, Jason led us in a devotional before we left for church. He talked about how we need to remember the real reason why we are on this trip. It is not for us, and it is not for accolades. We are here for Jesus. We are here to open hearts to Him, and to glorify Him while at the same time meeting other physical needs. Amen to that! It is very hard not to get caught up in all of the excitement here and lose track of what we are here for. We always have to take a step back and remember!

Later, we headed to the church. I taught the children's Sunday school class, while Jason taught the men and women. I taught the children from the book of Ruth, and Jason taught from Acts 20.

I could not believe how many children attended Sunday school. There were hundreds of them!

They learned about friendship, love, and how Jesus can get us through hard times.

As I told the story of Ruth, I had drawings of the people from the book of Ruth that I had made. I pulled children out of the crowd to hold up the drawings as I told the story. The children loved it, and would all burst out in laughter at the parts where people had to get married. I guess it was because they were envisioning that the kids that were holding the drawings were the people! Too cute!

I had a question and answer session at the end, and was amazed at how the children remembered every little bit of the story. I also had them recite Ruth 1:16. After I was finished, I said a prayer for all of the children. I still cannot get over how the children were so quiet and eager to learn about His word the whole time! My prayer is that we can all be like those children -  hungry for God's word!
After class, we attended the service. There were hundreds of people packed inside the tiny church, and they worshiped LOUD. It was great. While I was standing in the church, a little girl came up to me and handed me a folded up and worn piece of paper. It was the sweetest little note telling me that she loved me "more than fish love water." She said that I was her "sister and mother." I started crying right there in church when I read the note. I love these kids so much, and they sure do love us! They are all so sweet and innocent.

Later in the evening, Joy, Michael, and their daughter Ellen came over for dinner. Joy made so much food. As usual, it was delicious. We had a great time sharing stories with them. Michael was very happy to hear that Jason had found an electronic medical record application on his iPad that he will be able to use in the future while treating patients. It is going to be a huge help, especially with the growth in patients that is anticipated with the opening of the new clinic. 
We anticipate that we will have a large crowd tomorrow as well as we treat patients in the rental clinic for the first time this week. More to come on how that goes!

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