Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Dominican Republic - First Baptist Church of Lake Wales

Our team from First Baptist Church of Lake Wales came to serve this week!  And with a team of only 9 men they are on pace to challenge our build record!  We are so thankful for those individuals willing to sacrifice their time and resources to come be the hands and feet of Christ.  
Due to the hard work and long hours put in by our Dominican and American crews this summer we have the walls up on almost 45 homes and the Community Transformation Center is very close to being completed.  Final touches will be done in the next several weeks in anticipation of the building's dedication on November 6.  As the heart of the community and the channel through which ministry will flow we are excited to see this building become functional and lives impacted.
Please continute to be in prayer that God would be glorified by this project and that lives would continue to be radically tranformed through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

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