Friday, August 1, 2014

UGANDA 2014 Summer Interns Final Blog

Our final week or so in Uganda was a week of change for us.  After some time away from school due to illness, our final day we made playdough.  The kids loved it! (and we did, too!) 

Our last week we worked some in the office; anywhere they had a need, we did our best to meet it.  We helped make profiles for children who were being sponsored, as well as put together a bulletin board with pictures of all the children who have been through or are currently in the Hines program.  It was amazing to see the faces of the children who have been impacted by the ministry and to hear the stories behind the children!

We were also able to see firsthand another ministry in Kamonkoli, called "His Farm". The vision that God gave this sweet woman is to break the cycle of poverty in Uganda by providing work for young men and women on her farm.  While at this farm, it was obvious that the mighty hand of God was in each step of the ministry.  With the help of many Ugandans, she has planted crops of all kinds and has raised goats and cows.  All of which provide food and resources to feed and provide for the workers and families they may have.  This ministry is new, just getting started in the past two years, and we are excited to see where God takes it from here.  Visiting this farm was such a reminder to us about the importance of stepping out in faith and trusting God as this woman did so fearlessly when she moved out here with the vision God placed on her heart.

As always, Saturday and Sunday were great!  We had a team come in, and we had our biggest numbers of the summer in Awana!  The kids are learning the books of the Bible right now, and if you are standing outside the church on a Saturday morning, you will hear the sweet voices of all ages singing the books of the New Testament.  It has been neat to see even the young children learn the names of the books of the Bible.  

In Sunday School our guests spoke about having courage in hard situations.  It was easy to  see that the children understand that concept .  Worship in church was amazing, and once again reminded us the importance of worshiping without holding anything back.

Our last day in Kamonkoli was field trip day!!  It was-- hands down-- the best field trip we have EVER been on.  As teachers, we have both seen many field trips, but a bus ride with over 50 children to the NILE RIVER with a boat tour and lunch on the grounds definitely secured this as one of our favorite memories of the trip.  All of the students in the first through third grades were taken, and they loved every minute.  We loved seeing the excitement on the kids’ faces as our three boats raced through the choppy waters of the Nile, and as we slowed down to look at the animals hidden in the banks.  What an incredible way to bring our summer to a close.

As this week comes to a close, it is a bittersweet feeling for us.  Although we are sad to say goodbye to the people that we have spent six weeks building relationships with, we also get to go home and tell what incredible things God has taught us this summer; lessons of His perfect timing, His constant provision, and His faithful presence.  God is doing mighty things in Uganda, and we both are excited to see what is going to happen there in the years to come. We are both so thankful for our time spent this summer in Kamonkoli and look forward to what God has in store in this next year. 
God bless, and thank you for your prayers and support!
Rachel Carson and Aarika Deerey

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