Saturday, March 15, 2014

Guatemala, March 15-21, 2014 FBC Palm Coast

The 18 Missionary ladies of First Baptist Church, Palm Coast, Florida, met at the church at 3:30 AM on Friday, and everyone was on time! We had plenty of help loading our 18 suitcases of donated items (1,000 pounds) and our 18 personal suitcases, plus assorted carry-ons. We had no traffic and arrived at JAX airport two hours early.  The airport personnel were so kind in helping us and we didn’t even have our bags weighed! Whew. We arrived in Atlanta 25 minutes ahead of schedule. We ate our bag lunches, chatted a while and continued our journey to arrive safely in Guatemala City. We spent a half hour looking for one missing supply suitcase, and again, the personnel were so kind and patient. We decided we had to leave without the suitcase, and since we were at the airport so long, wearing out the employees (they were yawning and groaning), they passed us right through customs. As we were meeting outside with Howie, the director of the Malnutrition Center who came to pick us up, a woman came out telling us that the suitcase was found.  The van ride from the airport was colorful and scenic as we passed through the winding roads of various towns and made our way up to the mountains. People waved and smiled as we weaved through the heavy traffic. The weather was beautiful.

During our travel time, we already started to share testimonies with one another, uplifting and encouraging one another. We look forward to doing more of the same. We have all bonded quickly.
We did get to visit the babies and young children for a bit before dinner. They happily came running to us, smiling, and lifting their little arms up to us begging to be picked up. Of course we accommodated them. Oh, what joy that was. We had just a taste of things to come.  

Would you believe that our first dinner was a wonderful ITALIAN meal of spaghetti and meat sauce, fresh salad, fresh fruit, French bread and desserts, including the all-time favorite of banana pudding. It was prepared by precious volunteers, Art and Ilvey, who are at the Center for long stretches at a time.

We are now preparing for bed. We are very tired and very full…both our stomachs and our hearts, as we experienced the wonderful grace of God in unique ways. We all send our love to all of you, and know you will continue to pray that we will be a blessing while we are here. Of course, we can see that we will be blessed as well.

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