Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Guatemala, March 15-21, 2014


Yet another day with the kids, and everything is just getting better. We started the day waking up around six in the morning, some of the women got coffee and others hot cocoa. Ilvie and Art (the volunteers who cook for us) made us another outstanding meal and we had a ten-minute devotion. The devotion was made by one of the youngest of the group so it was really special and it was a great way to start the exciting day awaiting us! By the time all of us got downstairs the children had already had their baths and were eating breakfast. I walked into the room and all of their eyes lit up and some even came to run and give me a hug. 

Reading about it is one thing but actually experiencing the joy in all of the children was just a once in a lifetime experience. After eating, some of the kids went to school while some stayed and played with us. We got out balloons and all the kids loved them, every kid had a different color balloon and the whole room looked like a ball pit. The kids all really like being swung around and being picked up. All of the older kids went outside and played games, they even got out chalk and were making beautiful pictures on the ground. Even the smaller kids got to play on the playground. 

By now, most of the team have picked out their favorites, or how Howie would say “non-favorites.” It’s funny because they pick you! You may pick a favorite but you fall in love with all the kids. Sadly we can’t take any of them home, as much as we want to, they have to stay here. All the ladies came in for lunch while the children went down for a nap. All of us were tired and when I say tired I mean it, because looking after a bunch a kids is a very exhausting task. I look up to the nannies so much because they look after all the kids every single day for twelve hours. It just amazes me they do all this work and how little they earn. 

On a better note the mural that some of the artists of the group are making is coming out just magnificently. Everybody loves it and I’m sure we will love it even more once it’s all done. While they were painting we were playing with the kids some more and having dinner. But the best part of the day is putting the kids to sleep because you get some good one on one time with them and gosh are they fun! Giving each of them hugs goodnight is something I really look forward to. It’s a great way to say goodnight and a great way to end the day.
-         Calista the Traveler (16)

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