Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Great News!

After the sad news that we shared yesterday, we'd like to follow up with some exciting news that should bring a shout of praise from each of you, especially if you have been to the Malnutrition Center or have supported the work there with your contribution of time, dollars, prayer, sweat and tears! 

As many of you know, for some time we have needed and prayed earnestly for a social worker to join us in the ministry in Guatemala.  This would allow us to enhance our connection to the families of the children who are residing in the Center not only while they are at the Center, but also after they return to their homes.  We would also be able to directly reach out to find other children and families suffering from malnourishment and minister to them.

We are thrilled to announce that Gloria Garcia is our new Social Worker and is already busy meeting children and families, looking for children who need the services of the Malnutrition Center, and connecting with families of children who have left the Center. 

We ask that you keep Gloria, as well as our other in-country staff Alejandra Burbano and Olivia Juarez, in your prayers.  They love their work; it is very rewarding, but also tiring and emotionally draining.  They will need the constant presence of Christ in their hearts and lives to fulfill the task they have been called to. 

Come with us to Guatemala and you can meet Gloria and all the precious children at the Center yourself!  Until then, praise the Lord with us for His provision!

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