Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dominican Republic - Grand Island Baptist

First Day on Site
We started off late today because everyone was very tired from the long trip and late arrival last night. After a wonderful breakfast, we had our own church service with music led by Susan and a devotional led by Bruce. 

Then after Pastor Don and his whole Grand Island Baptist team did a live hookup with the church back home via internet during their service, we headed out to the site, where we did an orientation on the status of the house construction and a visit to the clinic and school right up the road. After that we got right to work, with Pastor Don changing hats to electrical work, under the supervision of our electrician Larry and his team of Bruce and Josh. 

And for a major change of pace, our surgeon Dan dug out trenches for the water lines we are installing. A pick axe is definitely heavier than a scalpel!  
We also had the amazing opportunity to play games with some of the neighborhood kids today!  After visiting the school, we had about 30 children make their way back to the field next to the work site to play "Red Light - Green Light" and some other games!!!  This week part of the team will be working at the school down the road.  We are thankful for a great relationship with the director of the school and very grateful that he allows us to come into the school to work with the kids.  Please be in prayer for the team as they prepare to minister to these wonderful children!   


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