Thursday, April 3, 2014

GUATEMALA March 29-April 5, 2014 Brookstone School

Brookstone School
Columbus, GA

This morning consisted of a few coughs and sore throats which made three of us have to stay behind. The ride seemed to go by faster as we looked for certain land marks such as Mrs. Sparks’ butcher shop.  We were greeted at the center with many familiar smiles as we approached our last day. With emotions running wild, we jumped right in to the morning routine. After bathing and dressing the children, our last moments of playtime began and we embraced every second of it. Before we knew it, it was time for lunch. After lunch was over, the children ran wild refusing to go to take a nap. Our much needed lunch break gave us the energy we needed to complete the last hours of the time spent with the kids. The smell of dirty diapers and runny noses let us know it was time to wake the children. Although most were cranky, it did not stop us from making those last hours valuable. As we say our goodbyes, tears of joy filled the children’s eyes and also ours knowing that we were saying “hasta luego” for the last time.

Juan was born April 2, 2014 and sadly, his mother died in child birth.
He is our newest addition to the malnutrition center, weighing 4 pounds and 8 ounces.
Please pray for Juan and his family.

Do you recognize this beautiful little girl?
It's Sonia Chamale... she was here 2 years ago and now is 8 years old. 
 So great to see that she is doing so well.

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