Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dominican Republic - New Team!

We have a new team in the DR this week from Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater, Florida, with 2 folks from Kentucky that were on a Haiti trip with OH last year. Last week's team set the bar pretty high, but these guys are up to the challenge!
After a short Sunday devotional this morning in House 1, we got to work doing...guess what...digging ditches! We need to move the water and sewer lines around to the street where INAPA (sewer and water) will hook them up. We won't have this problem with the remaining houses now that we know where they are putting their lines.

And our Home Depot expert, Steve, took on the electrical work in House 7.

Our DR crew was on hand to help the rest of us finish H7.  We put up the last line of sloped blocks and fired up the mixer for the concrete, and soon had it done.

We then took a short break and headed down the road to see the local school and clinic, and had to yield to horses and mules crossing the road! When we got to the school we found it open and got to see inside, where we were visited by some of our neighborhood friends.

And then wrapped up a little early so we could scout out the local beach.

We were blessed with a beautiful day and got some great work done. There is still no fill, so we may have to be "flexible" and learn how to stucco with our DR crew instead of doing a foundation. Either way, the work is being advanced. Praise the Lord for His provision, and please pray for our continued health and safety, and our witness and ministry to these wonderful people. 

And come join us soon on an Orphan's Heart trip!

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