Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Colombia November 15-20 Alban and Las Marias

What an Amazing day in Colombia!  Our team had an early start to the day.  We left our hotel at 6:00am sharp and headed to a pueblito called Alban.  On the way we stopped at a home on the side of a mountain so the medical team could attend to a 90 year old bedridden man and his wife.  They were very hospitable towards our team and a plan of action was set to help improve his health condition.  After the home-visit we finally arrived at the pueblito called Alban.  We ate a traditional Colombian breakfast before heading to the church buildings to conduct the medical clinic.  All our Colombian volunteers and translators did an excellent job organizing the clinic. Because of this awesome team work, we were able to see more than 90 patients in a 4 hour time frame - Amazing!  Around noon we packed up and then headed to another town on a mountain side called Las Marias.  We used the local church in that community to conduct our final medical clinic.  Even though there was a fierce rain storm that knocked out the electricity, our team stay focused and served more than 95 people - Amazing!  The people were so grateful and thankful for our presence and for the consultations, medicines, and vitamins that we brought with us.  We are so thankful for this Amazing day in Colombia!

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