Saturday, August 9, 2014

Nicaragua Team Final Day

Our time has come to a close in Managua, Nicaragua. Our team had a wonderful experience ministering to the children and families of Project Samuelito.  There were 16 children saved and 4 adults saved during our ministry time.  We spent time in the neighborhoods where the children and families live and conducted a medical clinic and children's ministry.  We also made some home visits and prayed with families and invited them to church and to Project Samuelito.  

On our final day of ministry, we handed out hygiene packs and new shirts to the children and ministry workers at Project Samuelito.  The kids loved getting their new shirts! 

We also had the opportunity to spend time at Hogar Senil and to minister to the residents there.  We also gave them hygiene packs and lotions and fingernail polish.  They were very appreciative of these gifts. We had a great time of worship with them and our youth even acted out the story of Paul's conversion.  

Please view the pictures below to get a visual summary of our ministry in Nicaragua this week!

Ministry and Feeding Program at Project Samuelito

Medical Clinic

Putting together the hygiene packs and sorting the T-shirts for the kids at Project Samuelito

Hogar Senil - Ministry with the residents

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