Sunday, October 13, 2013


Current # of children:  85
   Canaries -20
   Dolphins  -7
   Bunnies  -16
   Chicks    -15
   Ducks     -16
   Squirrels -11
  • Three new children came this week: Herlinda and Wilder in the Canaries, and Yessica in the Bunnies. 
  • All of the Dolphins have gained weight!  We are especially celebrating with Mynor, who has gained 2 pounds!  Praise the Lord!
  • An Orphan's Heart team will be arriving to work at the Center on Monday.  The kids sure are looking forward to the "visita!"
  • Please keep Dilan Alessando in your prayers. He is 1 month, 20 days old. He came in on Wednesday severely malnourished.  He was taken to the hospital with problems swallowing.  After they determine what his issues are, he will return to the Center to continue with his recovery.  We have a pediatric speech therapist who works with swallowing issues in infants on the team this coming week.  God's timing is perfect!
  • One of our Nannies, Zoila, is pregnant! She is very excited about it, and we rejoice with her!

Our fabulous interns...Rachel and Cierra!

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