Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Florida Hospital is in the Building! - Part 1

Florida Hospital is in the building!  We made it!  When the team landed in this beautiful country, all we could think about is the children we were going to see on Monday.  But for now, today is Sunday Funday, and we all get to try an excursion.  We can choose from the coffee plantation tour, chocolate tour, or zip-lining. 
No matter which tour we chose, we all learned about more about Guatemalan history and culture.  I personally chose the coffee plantation tour.  During the tour there were some facts that really stood out to me.  Edwin, our tour guide, was blessed to have one of the local hotel owners sponsor his grade school education.  He shared with us that most Guatemalans typically receive a 6th grade education.  Also, in every fruit plant, there are two seeds...always two.  When I heard this from our tour guide, I immediately thought about Ecclesiastes 4, "Two is better than one, because they have a good return on their labor." Amen.  We learned that the workers who pick the coffee beans are responsible for picking 150 lbs of coffee beans each 8-hour day; they make a mere $8.00 a day.  One of my teammates, Nancy, pointed out that we spend that much money on two cups of coffee and pour half of it out.  Message!  After excursions, the team returned back to the hotel to prepare for working with the children at the Malnutrition Center on Monday.
Today is the day we get to visit the children at the Center, I am watching everyone at breakfast, and it's an amazing thing to see the anticipation growing. I can see grins from ear to ear on the faces of the experienced mission trippers, and anxiety on the faces of the newbies.
This morning devotion was about service and how God's dreams are bigger for us than we can dream for ourselves. Immediately after devotion and breakfast we drive to the Center for our days work.  This year the baby room (the Canaries) has 19 children, there are a total of 85 children here. So, I think it would be safe to say we have our work cut out for us!  
It is the most rewarding thing to return back to the Center and see the transformation of some of the little ones that we spent time with last year. Over the past 3 years there has been so much progress, but so much more work to be done.  It is amazing what can be accomplished when a team comes together with the same mission and focus.  It is amazing how God will use you to share his love for his children.  I am looking forward to Day 2 at the Center, and sharing with you specific updates on the children.

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