Monday, August 5, 2013


SUNDAY, August 3, 2013

Sunday morning in Kamonkoli began with a brilliant, blue sky and a cool breeze.  Yes, I wrote, “cool" breeze!  The walk to church was joyful, and we were joined by many children, who immediately wanted to sing, as we made our way to Kamonkoli Church. 

The Sunday School rooms were filled to capacity with children and adults.  We taught 350 children and 80 adults who attended Sunday School. 

The worship service was packed from the front of the church all the way to the back of the balcony.  The joy and the love of Christ filled the church with God’s presence, and the team knew that we were in for something special.  The clapping and singing began and the service took off!  Jeremy and Rachel shared their testimonies, and God was good to bless people’s hearts and lives. When the people of Kamonkoli prepare to worship they leave nothing behind and worship with their whole being.

After lunch we had the opportunity to visit the Orphan’s Heart Compassion House girls' home that was funded by Women of Compassion.  It is a warm, beautiful home, and we met many of the girls that are currently living there.  The young ladies are full of the sweet spirit of Jesus.  

We had a double treat because they all hopped in the van with us later in the afternoon as we were leaving to attend a Bible study at the church.  That was a FUN van ride!  We had 18 people going to the Lord’s House crammed in that van!

The afternoon was full of playing, singing and laughing with the children at the Hines Ugandan Ministries guest house.  The children of Kamonkoli have an unspeakable joy that is contagious!  It is difficult to resist wrapping them up in our arms every chance we get.  They run and play like they don’t have a care in the world!  They are precious!

Please continue to pray for them and their families as life is not easy in Kamonkoli.  Tomorrow we will be visiting many homes and sharing the hope of Jesus as we pray with them and meet many physical needs.  Please pray as we continue to let HIS light shine!

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