Wednesday, July 24, 2013

These Dominicans are blowing up my phone

"These Dominicans are blowing up my phone!" :)

Those words came from Sherrie because she has been receiving tons of Facebook friend requests from members of Iglesia Fundamento Biblico (IFB). Sherrie has really become close with some of the locals, including Franklin, who has a ministry for the youth of Santo Domingo. Sherrie and Franklin share a passion for reaching youth with the gospel!

The church's passion for reaching their community for Christ has really made an impact on everyone on our team. The members of the local church are clearly united as a church with the goal of turning their world upside down for Jesus.

It shows up in the way church members gladly join together in getting the church ready each morning, and the way they share tasks to clean up in the end. And throughout the day, dozens of church members are working to make this an amazing VBS.

One of the VBS workers told us recently that while the VBS theme this year is Colossal Coaster World, few of these kids have ever been to a park, let alone a theme park. For these kids, VBS is their summer vacation. It’s their chance to do something new, and just be KIDS. And the members of IFB work very hard to make this a great event. Their focus is showing God’s love to these children.

It has been so clear to us that the church members are working for the glory of God. It shows in the way they work with the students, and it shows in the way they work with us. Pastor Castillo and the other leaders have asked us to share any ideas we have for improving the VBS, and they have been open to any suggestions we’ve made to them. When we suggested helping with the street evangelism for example, church members such as Jose and Franklin jumped at the chance to serve more children than they ever had before.

And here's a video showing the work we do at snack time...

He's EVERYwhere!!

Traffic home included a horse carriage - ON THE HIGHWAY! :)

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