Sunday, July 21, 2013

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Saturday, July 20

Travel Day - FLUID

Before we departed for the Dominican we experienced many changes; whether it be dress code, trip location, or even leadership. And as we gathered together in the wee hours of the morning at Kathleen Baptist Church, our team began to prepare our hearts to serve and our spirits to be fluid...The Lord moves in mysterious ways that are beyond all of our schedules and plans, and this week our goal is to truly be fluid.

After a some flight delays in Miami, we arrived safely in Santo Domingo on Saturday around 1pm. Praise the Lord for smooth sailing through customs, and ALL baggage arrived intact! Hallelujah! We were greeted by Pastor Castillo (the pastor of our partnering church) and the Dominican humidity (92 degrees, woo! feel the heat!), checked in, and went shopping on the town.

As we have driven around the town with our fabulous driver Roberto, we have been seeing how truly different our hometown is from the DR. How blessed we are to have what we have! After a fantastic dinner at a local restaurant by the sea, we tucked ourselves in for a night of sweet air-conditioned sleep...Thank the Lord for a good night's rest after a long day of traveling!

Las 3 Amigas

Hotel View of Colonial Center




Before ...
After ...
YUMMY! Guinea!

1 comment:

  1. What a great description of the travel day! And who couldn't laugh at the before and after picture of dinner? It used to be that we needed to remain flexible on a mission trip, but I guess fluid is the word now. The girls and I are praying for a successful week on all fronts!
