Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dominican Republic- July 23rd

VBS- Day 2

Day two of VBS has come and gone....and boy are we pooped! These kiddos have TONS of energy, and are truly excited for every activity in their day. 

One particular activity that we got to participate in today was a drama we put together for the children in the street. As previously mentioned, there are several children who are unable to attend VBS with the church. There were even more kids today who had to be turned away, as a result we prepared a skit in advance to share with the kids in the street. Trent was the center of our drama standing in the “pit” of his sin being pulled in different directions by the temptations of the world (lust, peer pressure, etc.). After being pulled on by all of his temptations a friend came and prayed with him. In the end Jesus was the only one who could pull him out of the pit of sin. There was a great response from the community about the drama, and we are excited to present this again tomorrow to a larger crowd.

At the end of the day we had a few of the guys from the church give us a walking tour of the surrounding neighborhood. During our walk we got a glimpse into the playground and homes where the majority of our students reside. This was a beneficial experience for our team to get a glimpse of not only the economic diversity in the DR, but also to establish an idea of the contrast between their childhoods in America compared to those of our team members.

As we prepare for Wednesday, please keep pray for our second drama presentation tomorrow. We are hoping to have a larger audience with some of the families who were apprehensive to attend today.  

Church (check out the new roof!)

Franklin - Youth Ministry Leader

Street Ministry (Post-Drama)

Street Ministry:INCREDIBLY fun Dominican game!
Air Nathan!

Air Amanda!

Air Daniel!
Air Michael!

Air Kids!

Terrace Classrooms better prepared for afternoon rain!
Fitness Challenge :)  Trent v Daniel
Street Drama (Trent is "stuck in sin" and only Jesus can get him out :) )

Old Testament Bruce (this was NOT planned, but the kids' drawing of Noah was surprisingly similar!)

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