Thursday, June 28, 2012

Moving out to where the people are...

God moved us to the streets near the Malnutrition Center.

Orphan's Heart has prayed for the opportunity to show the love of Christ to the local people outside of the Center, but there has not been a group large enough to cover the Center and go into the village.

Wednesday and Thursday we took about 12 team members down to the local washateria (pila) at the bottom of the hill and met the ladies and children who were there washing clothes. We started out with about eight kids and 15 women, and by the time we left, there were about 40 to 50 people coming to be a part of what was going on.   We took four tubs of supplies (crafts, snacks, balloons, Bibles, clothes...) to do a Backyard Bible Club. We sang songs, and we blew bubbles.  It was so sweet watching those kids play with bubbles!

The most moving part for our team was the demand for the God's Word!  We handed out Bible after Bible, and the demand continued to grow.  I was holding a stack of Bibles, and there was a sea of little hands grabbing on to the Bibles, and all of them were pleading with me for a copy of God's Word. I was so convicted, because I have at least three copies of the Bible at home, and I take it so for granted.  My mom sings a song about being "Jesus to the World," and that is exactly what we did. We went into the street and we were 'lambs that roared!'  

We had been given journals to write in for the week.  I have used it not only for the "Wow!" moments, but also as a prayer journal.  I asked God to put someone in my day who desperately needed to meet Jesus. He did it! He showed me a teenager who was washing clothes, and she was hungry for the Word. I gave her a Bible, and the look of peace on her face was so heart-warming! Oh, that we would grow to be so hungry today! In our land of plenty, we forget what it is like to be without the Bread of Life.
Marianna learning to wash clothes at the pila
Marianna's "teacher"
Handing out some goodies to the kids
Ladies washing clothes
This is hard work!
The pila ("washateria")
Preparing to give clothes to families

A bag of goodies for each family

Happy faces greeting the team

(NOTE:  The pictures are insufficient to tell the full story, but we chose not to take cameras, so that ministry would not be hindered and people would not be offended.)


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