Friday, November 21, 2014

Colombia November 15-20 - Final Post

A few months ago I was presented with the opportunity to put together a medical team to conduct mobile medical clinics in Villeta, Colombia and nearby towns.  I had never been to Colombia.   And with only a short time to prepare, the team signed up to go was small.  As with most mission trips, particularly ones to new areas, you are never quite sure what to expect. Except for the assurance that "with God all things are possible" and without Him, all is for not.   God indeed was with us and the possible did happen! 

In a short 2 1/2 days a medical team of just two physicians and one nurse, working with Orphan's Heart staff and our Colombian partners were able to provide medical care and counseling to over 400 patients and be witness to God extending His saving grace to 25 new believers! It is so incredibly humbling to be charged with a task that is impossible and watch God in His infinite grace, unfailing love, and ferocious power show up and do work!  He exceeded our expectations!  He surpassed our hopes and our goals.  Through us He tended to bodies that had been broken and battered with injury and disease.  And beyond us He lavished some with His saving grace to heal and mend hearts and souls that were lost and broken.  

I cannot say enough about the our Colombian brothers and sisters that worked tirelessly in preparation for our visit and with unfailing determination during our long clinic days until the last patient was seen.    Their planning and organization, lead by Manuel, was exceptional.  It was clear to our medical team that it had been handled with compassion for the people of their communities and with the expertise of a seasoned staff.  In particular, sweet Rosia, who was in charge of organizing the clinics, blew us away.  Her attention to detail and her efficiency were absolutely invaluable each day and made each day a success.  

The needs were many in Villeta, Alban, Mave, and Las Marias.  There were those that suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes, seizures, and strokes.  Children suffering from malnutrition and asthma.  There were patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and others battling cancer.  And there was much weariness and despair.  For some we provided advice and counsel.  Others received much needed medicine and vitamins.  And for some, particularly those with ailments of the mind, soul, and body that medicine would not be enough for, we offered love and compassion.  We prayed with them. Cried with them.  Hugged on them.  Encouraged them.  We let them know that there was a God that is All Powerful and Good that loved them deeply.  We let them know that they were not alone in their fight and struggle.  We let them know of The Hope that is never ending. 

And as with all mission trips, we left changed and inspired.  Humbled to have been chosen by that same All Powerful God to be a part of the work He was doing in Colombia.  We had received much more than we had given, as is always the case with our Gracious Heavenly Father.   I, and I feel sure I speak for Brandon and Bill, anxiously await our next opportunity to serve God on the mission field.   Yes, hopefully even in Villeta, Colombia! 

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