Thursday, October 9, 2014

UGANDA Medical Team Final Day

Tonight is our last night in Kamonkoli. Our time here went so fast! Words cannot describe what a comfy, loving, joyful place this is.

Jon and I went on some house visits today. It was definitely an eye opening, life changing experience to say the least!  Families of five plus people were living in huts with dirt floors that are half the size of our bathrooms. When we would get out of our car, children would slowly walk
towards us with grins on their faces. They loved our company, our hugs, and of course the lollipops. By the time we would be ready to leave a house, the number of children would be tripled the number that were there when we arrived.

It was so moving to see that people living in such impoverished conditions by our standards were filled with so much love and joy.  I had seen many pictures of home visits from prior trips, but experiencing it in person was unbelievable. I could not hold back the smiles each time we stepped out of the car, and I could not hold back the tears each time we left a home.

We have all seen those television ads in America in which organizations are making an appeal for child sponsorship. I have to admit that I was always a little wary about where that money actually went. Well, we saw firsthand today where that money does go when it's given through Orphan's Heart. It buys a child clothes, food, a mattress and so much more. And it helps not just one child but an entire family! It was so great to meet children who were sponsored, and yet so sad to meet those who are still waiting on a list. I will definitely be sponsoring a child after what I saw today. I pray that many more people will as well.

Ron, Jason and Michael stopped by the new clinic and were amazed at the progress of the project. In just a few short days, the roof was completed, the septic tank was installed, and more.

Michael and Jason continued to work in the rented clinic today. Jason had the pleasure of meeting Michael's mother. He was sure to tell her what a great job she did raising her son. We can all attest to that!

In the evening, the HUM Staff and our mission group gathered for one last dinner together at a restaurant in Mbale. The food was delicious, and we all had so much fun sharing prayers, stories and laughs. 
We are so sad to leave. However, we know that we will all be back our second home and to our family here in Kamonkoli!

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