Tuesday, October 7, 2014

UGANDA Medical Team Day 4

Wow! What another amazing day here in Kamonkoli! 
The day started after a great breakfast as we headed to do some blood pressure screenings at the local church. Dr Jason Holmes gave a seminar before the BP checks began. Seventy-nine adults from the community showed up, and of those we were able to identify about 17 that needed a follow-up appointment in the afternoon. 
Ron made sure everything ran smoothly as Jason, Angie and Jon assisted with the screenings.

After lunch, we headed to the medical clinic to follow up with the patients from the earlier screenings. Jason worked with Michael to collect the patients' medical history so that the correct medications and doses could be prescribed.   What a great blessing we all had today to serve physical needs and to share God's love with others in this region. 

We finished up our day with a delicious dinner with Bosco and Nancy and their family. What a beautiful and loving family. We shared stories and a few laughs as well as enjoying a little birthday cake for their youngest son, Samuel ("Junior"), who just turned 5 today. Happy Birthday, Samuel !   
As we shared some of our "WOW" moments from the day, I realize that our God is good and our God is great.......all the time!  

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