Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dominican Republic, October 11th- October 17th, 2014

Grand Island Baptist

Day 2:
What an amazing day!  Building houses with “lego” blocks is an experience that we don’t have in the states.  So amazing to see how materials can be used for such a worthy cause.  It makes you realize how many blessings that we take for granted.  Working with people of another language seems almost impossible, but with God all things are possible!  So amazing to watch how God orchestrates such a huge project with seemingly no effort.

The ladies’ bible study was awesome-we doubled what we had last year and enjoyed seeing so many faces with LOVE written all over them!  And of course, the children were the greatest blessing. Once again, there was a language barrier; but there are also 3 universal languages: smiles, music and the love of Jesus! We utilized each one today!!!

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