Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dominican Republic - First Baptist Church of Lake Wales

9 men + 5 work days + the walls on 5 homes completed = A GREAT WEEK AND A LOT OF HARD WORK!!!
Our team from First Baptist Church of Lake Wales finished the walls on 5 homes this week.  That is 5% of all the block work that needs to be done on this project!  A great accomplishment for one team in just five days!  But we still have a lot of work left to do!  Would you and your church consider coming to the DR to serve and help play a part in this great project?  Please contact Orphan's Heart for more details on upcoming trips!

Pouring concrete!!! 

Governmental officials flew over in their helicopter on Wednesday to check out the project!!!

Our Dominican crew and one of our mission team members mixing concrete!

5 HOMES!!!  Ties our team record for a week!!!  Great work guys!!!

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