Saturday, August 9, 2014

GUATEMALA - Faith and Family, Finishing Strong!

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Finishing Strong 

This is our LAST day to hold the children and feed their hungry tummies but not our LAST day to love them.  Each and every one will be forever in our hearts.  For many of us it will not be our LAST trip.  We are already planning our return.  In addition, sixteen from our team signed up this week to sponsor a child to help ensure their continued good health.

Today was the LAST day for the tiniest children – the Dolphins and the Canaries -- to live in their old crowded room.  Preparations were finally completed, and they moved into their new, more spacious rooms.  
As little as they are, they have out-grown their old room.  Eighteen cribs in one room did not allow enough space for playtime, rockers and all that is needed to take care of them.

The Center's Board, led by Ron Gunter, had their monthly meeting at the Center today.  The meeting was followed by a dedication ceremony in the new room, asking God’s blessing on the room and the children who will be living in it.  Marco Livio, President of the Guatemala Lion's Club, was honored (much to his surprise!) with a plaque for his faithful service to the Center over many years.

The dedication was followed by a celebration banquet with all the Center Staff and the Board and their families, made possible by the amazing Art and Ilvie Sutherland, our full-time volunteer hosts.

Even Blanca, one of our nurses at the Center, returned with her brand new twins for the celebration!

Today is also the LAST day for the interns who have been working here for five weeks, sharing the love of Jesus with the children.  What a wonderful way for them to follow Christ!  There is no need to ever ask any of them how they feel about the children.  Their love shines in their eyes! 

As part of the festivities of our LAST day here, we were treated to a traditional Guatemalan lunch, and later in the afternoon our four team members with birthdays this week and the children enjoyed piñatas and cake and, of course, birthday fireworks!  

The day ended too quickly; in fact, the week ended too quickly, but we are all inspired to continue to share the love of Jesus as we return to our own families.  It was very difficult driving away from the Malnutrition Center for the LAST time (at least this trip.)  Join us!

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