Thursday, August 28, 2014

Guatemala, August 23-29, 2014

Our last day here.  The excitement that we felt walking into the rooms when the babies recognized us is unexplainable.  We wonder what they will think when we do not show up tomorrow.  That is one of the reasons we cry so hard on leaving.  These babies have felt the love of Christ through our arms each day.

We are so thankful for the Nannies and workers here at Orphan's Heart Guatemala and the love they have in caring for "Our Babies.."  The nannies are dedicated to helping these children gain their strength and health so they can once again go home to their families.  Thank you, too, to our driver Kike; his great driving is only exceeded by his wonderful cooking. Marina was a great blessing, too!  We have been well taken care of and have not had to sacrifice so every day we have energy and motivation to love on and play with these babies.  We all feel so blessed to be able to be a small part of this effort.

We can't adequately express our appreciation to Howie, Olivia and Alejandra for helping us each day, for inspiring us, praying with us, leading us and most of all putting up with us.    Last night's dinner was a typical Guatemalan meal right down to the music.  We dressed in our Guatemala finery and some of us were finer than others.  It was great fun and continued on into the night when the earth shook to say "now you have experienced Guatemala."  A 5.2 quake just off the west coast of Guatemala and believe it or not some of us did not even wake.

The Jade Factory was fun and very informative......did you know there is more than one color of jade?  The jewelry was beautiful, and we were pleased to find out that a percentage of our purchase was donated to Orphan's Heart.  It was a wonderful excuse for the women to purchase more ..... after all it was for a good cause.

As this day comes to a close, we will begin saying our goodbyes to these babies and pray over each one that God will continue to grow them in body and spirit.  We will all want to return one day and see how "our babies" are doing and continue with new ones.  While malnutrition is high for the children of Guatemala, it does not have to continue.  Please pray with us that God's Mercy and Grace will continue and we will show His Love in all nations.

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