Sunday, July 27, 2014

Guatemala FBC Plant City and FBCH Youth


Today marked the start of our work here in Guatemala with the Orphans’ Heart Malnutrition Center.  Following a delicious breakfast (cooked by perennial favorites Art and Ilvie) Jennifer Ruble (LaBelle, FL) shared with us from I Kings about God’s faithfulness to a discouraged Elijah, encouraging us to trust whatever it is that God has to show us this week, strengthening us with whatever He chooses (like a raven) when we are weak and crying out.   As we loaded the bus, it was so fitting that Lynn Hauser’s t-shirt had Joshua 1:9 on it—the exact same scripture referenced also referenced in today’s devotion. 

Sightseeing was the agenda for today before we begin actual work with the children tomorrow.  We stopped first at the R. Dalton Coffee Plantation outside of Antigua, with three groups split into horseback riding, zip-lining and a coffee plantation tour.  By the end of the tour (my group) when we finally were seated for a fresh cup of joe, I was truly questioning whether I had ever actually had an incredible fresh and flavorful cup of coffee before.  Thank you, Barrista Roberto, for a wonderful first day in Guatemala. Mariana, the malnutrition's new administrator, joined us for our excursion and even zip-lined... well kind-of.  She zipped the first line but refused to return on the second line and had to be escorted back to the other side on a tandem zip with one of the workers, screaming and holding on for her dear life!   Mariana gave us all a great laugh.

After lunch at quite possibly the worlds finest McDonald’s (15th century-like architecture bursting with colorful bougainvillea nestled in the heart of the Sierra Madre), we toured more landmarks and ancient ruins.  And then we finished our adventure at the market, bartering for local goods of fine quality.  Kudos to Thea (Tallahassee) for the best deal of the day—a Walmart $5 watch traded for multiple, high-end items—to the envy of all.

So here’s to Sunday and the high standard it set for us.  We are ready for this week and ready to meet us with whatever God chooses.  

Check back tomorrow for pictures!

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