Thursday, March 13, 2014

Guatemala, March 8-14, 2014

Guatemala day 4

Today I think most of us hit a wall of exhaustion and as every day passes my awe of the nannies increases. I'm whooped after two eight hour days and those amazing women are there 6 days a week,
12 hours a day- Dios le bendiga (God bless you). Today, once we arrived at the center at 9:00am, we were each able to head straight to our rooms and get busy. My "pollitos" (chicks) were already bathed and dressed and ready to play! They were more comfortable with us and more engaging. Tara grabbed us some little books from the storeroom and they were a big hit. I spent most of my morning talking about animals and colors. I do have to say there aren't too many things better than the feeling you get when three or four little ones are crawling all over you giggling, bringing you things (I get receive another booger gift today :).

One of our little chickadees had a fever today and snuggled for a bit before he was given medicine and put in his crib for a bit, but he bounced back this afternoon and was back to himself. Tara and I took the kids onto the front patio to ride tricycles ( the center has enough for each of the kids in our room). At this point Tara and I figured we were getting fired because two of the kids drove off the patio and fell, resulting in a busted lip and general owie. We also let the children play with shaving cream and paint.

Fun was had by all, well almost all. There is one little boy that was recently moved up to this room so he is still adjusting to the many new things. He wanted nothing to do with getting his hands messy; he is also not too hip on new food textures. In the previous room, he was eating baby food and he is definitely not digging the texture of many foods, including rice which is a mainstay of their diet. Papaya seemed a bit easier, but even that got some full body shivers and a contoured face. I'm pretty thrilled that all of our "pollitos" feed themselves because I am hearing from other team members that are caring for younger or less proficient children are having quite a time actually getting food in the kids and not all over their clothes. During both morning and afternoon snacks today the kids got some wafer cookies, and those we well received :) .

Mandy and Emma got a sweet "love note" from God yesterday and today. When Mandy was here back in September, she brought along some of her girls clothes as a donation and if you saw the picture of the piles of clothes around the center, you would realize that the chances of seeing a particular item you donated on a child are pretty slim. Mandy and Emma saw two different children wearing Emma's donated shirts...just God's way of saying "hey" :) 

As each day ends, our love for these special little ones grows. We find ourselves wanting to know more about them. What brought them here, where are their families, how old are they, how much do they weigh. Most seem quite tiny, but what they lack in size, they make up for in love, hugs and smiles. Once again, as we pulled away this afternoon, we were sent on our very bumpy journey with many sweet little voices yelling "adios".
Hasta maƱana mis hijos!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that the power of the Holy Spirit may abound in hope." Romans 15:13

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