Monday, March 17, 2014

Guatemala, March 15-21, 2014


Our Missionaries from First Baptist Church of Palm Coast were in for a surprise today. Today was our first day we actually got to interact with the children at the center. It left everyone with a different lasting impression. I had gone around and asked everyone to give me a word to describe their day. Some were hilarious such as Pleasantly-Tired, Comfy, Awesome, ¿QuĂ©?, and Stinky. Some words described words of respect, por ejemplo: Humbled, Non-stop, Appreciative, Respect, Grateful, Scheduled, Inspired, and Amazing. Though my favorite words were about how today has changed themselves: Educated, Connected, Tenderhearted, Phenomenal, Experienced, and Blessed. Most importantly, everyone experienced something for the first time today.

After desayuno and morning devotion we got to go to work with our station. Everyone went off to their group and experienced lots of different things. One team member,  Catrina, changed her first diaper today (that explains the word stinky LOL). Many of our Missionaries have hardly ever spoken a single word in Spanish but today they had their first shot in a conversation. Even one of the volunteers (Ilvie) had the first haircut in two months. That is a lot of time in hair growth.

For myself, I discovered how truly blessed we are, and how blessed the children are for being here at Orphan Heart’s Malnutrition Center. They are taken care of so efficiently by the Nannies.  They are truly given tender loving care. Today my small team of two was working with the Conejitos, ( Bunnies). I was so impressed by how intelligent they are. They were able to interact with me in ways my little sister could not when she was their age.

We have a code-name around here for our favorites… “non-favorite.”  My “non-favorite” was able to learn the cutest gestures from me today. ¡Que linda! Sadly, the children are still recovering.  Because of malnutrition they are not as developed as children of their own age. Many are several years behind the age they should be.

-Ashton (Age 16)

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