Monday, February 17, 2014

Guatemala, Feb 15-21, 2015


Today is a beautiful day here in San Juan with lots of sunshine, and the team got off to an early start this morning.  We are certainly being well looked after here. Because it is Sunday most of the team headed into Antigua where they will explore the town, do some shopping at the Mercado, visit a coffee plantation or, for the adventurous, go zip-lining. A few of us, however, stayed behind at the center and had the privilege to meet and talk with the parents who visited their children today.
    About half of the children had visitors, either parents or grandparents, and it was both heartwarming to observe the interactions between children and their families. There are many new children here who have recently been separated from their families, and they are adjusting well. The children who had no visitors didn't seem to be bothered and kept themselves busy, plus we played with them.  The parents we talked to were very grateful for this center and know their children are receiving needed attention and excellent care, but when it was time to say goodbye, there were tears all around, especially for the newly arrived children.
   An update on some of the children:  Maria Ascunsion is very happy and a delight to play with and is scooting around so fast in her walker.  Gerson and Andres are confident, happy, active boys. Odilia is a lovely, happy little girl. Little Maria in the Dolphins is progressing well. Luis Fernando is making great progress, is very active, and not nearly as shy as he used to be.

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