Wednesday, January 15, 2014

UGANDA - Women's Day

Orphan’s Heart: Women’s Day

            One of the days on our trip was specifically designed for all the women in the community.  We had planned activities, crafts, and Bible study for all the women who would be interested in coming to this event. Our theme throughout this trip revolved around the New Year and the verse "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation." 2 Corinthians 5:17
Cutting out butterfly decorations
            The women came to the church, trickling in at first as we greeted them with a butterfly necklace and fan and got to know their names and their stories.  
Greeting and receiving their necklace and fan
We began with some singing and worship (which always includes dancing!). One thing I have learned from being in Uganda is that the people there know how to worship and they sure can sing some songs!  They led most of the singing time, and we taught them some new songs, as well

Singing and dancing!
            We then played a fun game, trying to balance a ping pong ball on a spoon and run a relay race.  All the women really got into it!  It was so awesome to see the joy on their faces, not having to worry about the challenges at home but to just beam with joy in Christ.  Next was the craft that Mrs. Susan had planned, where they made a wall decoration that stated “Jesus Makes Me New.”  They loved this.

            Mrs. Iona shared the Gospel and talked to the women about who Christ is and what it looks like to be the reflection of Christ.  She portrayed the Gospel so well and gave an invitation at the end for the women to accept Christ.  About 25 women in the community accepted Christ this day.  Praise the Lord!  God was so present and was working in the hearts of the women. We then had a time of fellowship with typical Ugandan tea and cakes, and each woman received a new pair of shoes, a special New Year's gift from Orphan's Heart!
Mrs. Iona getting ready to speak
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
Cakes are ready!
            I will never forget this day.  People were saved, women felt beautiful, and everyone left feeling encouraged.  When I looked around the room at the women who genuinely accepted Christ, I thought to myself, “I get to see you in Heaven one day!”  What a glorious day that will be!

-Margaret Krause

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