Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Now in the arms of Jesus...

It is with very heavy hearts that we write to share with you that little Edwin, who first came to the Malnutrition Center five years ago during the time that our first team was serving at the Center, has gone to be with Jesus.

Edwin struggled with many health issues while at the Center, and was in and out of the hospital numerous times.  His mother finally took him home after spending two years at the Center.  After that, she brought him back occasionally for a check-up, but eventually the visits discontinued, and we lost contact with him and had not heard from him in quite some time.

We were informed yesterday by the Administrator at the Center that he passed away in April.  Our hearts were broken upon hearing the news.  We grieve for his family, for the Nannies at the Center who cared for him, and for all those volunteers who spent time with him, sharing Jesus' love. 

But our grief is marked with joy and hope!  We are comforted in knowing that Edwin is now with Jesus, who loved him infinitely more that we ever could, and he is now completely whole and well and is struggling no more.  It is a reminder to all of us of Jesus' words:

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart!  I have overcome the world.” 
Edwin when he first came to the Center


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