Thursday, July 11, 2013

Guatemala, July 11, 2013 (Thursday)

It has been a great week at the Malnutrition Center.  Everyone was very sad when it was time to leave today, and we all feel like we left a part of our hearts at the Center. 

Here are some stories about the children that we were so reluctant to leave behind.

In the Bunnies:
Jose Miguel and Myra love to build with the blocks and knock them down.
For Bryan, the best part of the meal is brushing his teeth! 
Edgar likes to take the balls and throw them in the basket. 
Edwin loves the beach ball.  
This week, they did a lot of finger painting in art. 
Javier was waiting and waiting for his turn to finger-paint.  He was so happy when Brittany picked him up.  This week, they also painted with vegetables and on butterflies make out of paper plates.  They giggle and laugh during art. 
One of the boys from the ducks came over and played with the bunnies and they were happy with his attention. 
Myra is very friendly with the other Bunnies.  She pats them all.  (and sometimes, she pushes them, too!)   The Bunnies also enjoy the music though they get sleepy sometimes. 
Aura dances when the music is played.    
Cathryn has noticed that the Bunnies cry when you put them down.  She wishes she could hold them all day.  Her favorite is Alison because she is sweet and makes Cathryn hold her. 
Bryan can get angry, but if you roughhouse with him, he settles down.

In the Ducks:
The Ducks have been doing well this week, but they are all boys.  They are all business when it comes to eating!  They finish before everyone else. 
They have been playing soccer and enjoy that.  
They are also good at crafts and can weave the paper and string beads with no trouble.  
The funniest time of day is when we are trying to get them to take a nap.  They are running around, jumping on the beds, crawling out of their cribs until Brenda comes in.  Then, they settle down and do what they are supposed to do.   
Jordan is in love with Elder, and Elder loves her too.  Elder is really shy, he does not play with the other
children much.  
Kelcie is glad that she has some of the ducks she got to know two years ago.  Her favorite is Luis Fernando because she held him a lot two years ago when he could not walk, and now, he can walk and do things by himself.  
Faith appreciates how full of energy the Ducks are.  They love the trains and cars.  Her favorite is Andres because he chose her!  She knows him from last year.  
They are very cute when they say their Bible verse each day and when they act out their Bible Story.  
The Ducks loved the shaving cream play today.  
Billi can write his name now!

In the Squirrels:
Alina is happy to be in the Squirrels, though she thinks they are hyper.  She has a favorite; her name is Angela.   She is small, has her own mind and is cranky, but Alina still loves her. 
The Squirrels like to get their pictures made when they are dressed up like princesses.  They all love to stay the word, “stinky!”  
Jennifer has noticed that the Squirrels are very smart and that they are a bit sassy.  They love to look at themselves in the mirror.  
Sonia Mendoza went home yesterday. The Squirrels watched her leave from the window of their room while standing on their beds.  They wanted their picture made with her.  They were excited for her.  
The Squirrels put glitter in their shaving cream today, and it was very pretty.  
Esther appreciates how the older girls want to help their nanny.  
Myra is a little mommy and even feeds some of the younger ones.  They are good with each other and help each other out. The older girls would like to have a doll.  
They call the team members, “The Visitors”.  They like it when “The Visitors” come and bring toys!

Construction Team:
We have also had a team of men doing construction and repairs this week.  They wired the new chicken coop, put up some shelves and a television and made themselves handy!  Their main project has been building and putting up the trusses on the old picnic pavilion.  With no machinery, the men were able to build and lift into place some very heavy trusses.  It was amazing to see them utilize a rope, a winch and a tree to do it.  They testified that before they prayed, no one really knew if their plan would work.  After prayer, they were able to lift a 1000 pound truss with no one even getting hurt.  They said it even seemed easy!  Basilio cut all the wood using a chain saw and his cuts were very straight, but he will enjoy the table saw that was bought for him this week!

Today, a two and a half year old boy named Jeremiah was admitted to the Center.  He weighs thirteen pounds.  We ask everyone to pray for him.

In closing, we all challenge you to begin raising funds and sign up to come on a trip yourself.  Jeremiah, Elder, Angela, Billi, Myra and all the others need you!

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