Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our Final Day

For the brave few, the day started especially early! When Ron said we'd be hiking a volcanoe, I'm not so sure many of us REALLy understood what exactly that would entail. Our hiking guide, Pedro, did a fantastic job leading us up the mountain! A kind kind man, Rudolpho, and his young twin boys provided horses and comic relief as we conquered the first 2 legs of the journey. And then there was a third!
We hiked "several blocks" worth on the dried black lava and ash. And at the very top, we saw actual red lava running down the volcano side like a river! It was an amazing, and WARM, sight.
The other part of our group stayed back and explored the market, finding goodies and taking in more of the culture!
After lunch, a majority of the group headed to a beautiful coffee plantation to zipline through the tree tops. Kim conquered her fears, while laughter & yells by all surely echoed through the valley!

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